Thursday, 22nd September, 2022 saw Dinam Lodge No. 4521, Penarth welcome “The Prestonian Lecturer”, W. Bro. Dr. John W. Hawkins, PJGD, who delivered a wonderful and poignant lecture on “The Royal Family and Freemasonry”.
In the 209 years since the union of the Premier and Ancient Grand Lodges to form the United Grand Lodge of England, its Grand Master has been a member of the Royal Family for more than 150. The union itself in 1813 was facilitated by the heads of the two constituent Grand Lodges both being Royal Princes – the brothers the Dukes of Sussex and Kent. Prior to the Union, members of the Royal Family had already been Grand Masters of the Premier Grand Lodge for over 30 years. The Royal connection goes back even further than this, with Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales and eldest son of King George II, having been initiated in 1737.
The 2022 Prestonian Lecture discusses not only those members of the family whose contributions to the Craft remain well-known today, but others who are less well remembered, or who were not Freemasons, but nonetheless supported its charities and recognised its force for good.

L-R: W.Bro Robert Payne, APGM; Past PGM R. W. Bro. Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards; W. Bro. Dr. John W. Hawkins, PSGD; R. W. Bro. Sir Paul Willliams; V.W.Bro. Peter Jones DPGM and W.Bro Mark Lewis, APGM.
The Prestonian Lecture is the only lecture given under the authority of the United Grand Lodge of England.
William Preston (1742-1818), a controversial figure during his lifetime, was also regarded as the foremost Masonic educator of his day, developing an elaborate system of masonic instruction which was practised in association with the Lodge of Antiquity, of which he was at one time Master. At his death in 1818, Preston bequeathed to Grand Lodge the sum of £300 for the perpetuation of his system of instruction. With occasional intermissions, lectures in accordance with this system were delivered from 1820 until 1862, when the Lectureship was permitted to lapse. In 1924 the Prestonian Lectureship was revived with a modification to the original Scheme, the lecturer now submitting a Masonic subject of his own selection, and with the exception of the war years, 1940-1946, regular appointments.

W. Bro. Dr. John W. Hawkins, PSGD
Dr John W. Hawkins is an independent researcher and author with interests in art, family, local, masonic, military and social history, having published in most of these areas and others, including histories of several Masonic units. He has received degrees from the Universities of Oxford (MA and DPhil), Bradford (MBA), City (MSc), Dundee (MLitt) and Kingston (PhD). He was initiated in Westminster and Keystone Lodge No.10 in 1974, exalted in Westminster and Keystone Chapter No.10 in 1977 and is a member of several other English Masonic orders, including the Ancient and Accepted Rite, Allied Masonic Degrees, Mark Master Masons, Knights Beneficent of the Holy City, Knights Templar, Red Cross of Constantine, Royal Ark Mariners, Royal and Select Masters, Royal Order of Scotland and Secret Monitor.