On Friday 11th November 2022, the officer mandated to represent the R.W. Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Philip Bevan ProvGAlm, PAGStB, was delighted to present a 50 year certificate to W.Bro. Malcolm McGreevy at Luminary Lodge No. 8530, Merthyr Tydfil.
Malcolm was initiated on May 19th, 1971, in Sapphire Lodge Penarth No 5290. In November 1973 Malcolm was present for the consecration of Luminary Lodge and became the Lodge’s first joining member on February 8th, 1974. Whilst he was working at St Tydfil’s Hospital, Malcolm recalls the pleasure he had of working alongside W.Bro. Tom Wilson who was one of the founder members of Luminary Lodge. Malcolm was installed in the Chair of King Solomon in 1980 despite having moved to London in the January of that year to work at Westminster Hospital. He returned from London in 1994 and later acted as Lodge secretary for several years and chaplain.
Picture: W.Bro. Philip Bevan presents W.Bro Malcom McGreevy his 50 year certificate.