APGP, W.Bro. Philip Bevan, presented W.Bro. Mike Noble with his auspicious 50-year certificate at a recent meeting of Talygarn No. 7216. W.Bro. Mike was Initiated on the 16th of June 1973 in Talygarn Lodge, Pontyclun.
In the picture accompanied by Mike is his brother-in-law, W.Bro. Clive Wilson, who himself received his 50-year certificate last year, between them they have over 100 years of membership in the craft, the current Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Simon Price stands proudly alongside both Freemasons.
W.Bro. Mike makes mention of his time in Freemasonry and explains it’s as relevant now as it was 50-years ago, and the principles on which it was founded to him haven’t changed one bit, his enthusiasm for Freemasonry certainly encourages and enthuses the newer and younger Masons not only of Talygarn Lodge but also the brethren of Pontyclun Masonic Hall.
On behalf of the Province of South Wales and all of its members, we thank you for your dedication, commitment and enthusiasm over the last 50 years.