Dear Brother / Companion,
Following on from a very successful Secretary and Scribes training event a few weeks ago, I am delighted to inform you that The Learning and Development Team will now be hosting a similar event for all Treasurers of both Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters to be held at Bridgend Masonic Hall on the morning of Saturday 11th of November, 2023.
Our Provincial Treasurer W. Bro/E. Comp. Brian Scott, will be leading the presentation and be available to answer your questions.
The main topics to be discussed include:
- Accounts format
- Bank reconciliations
- Basic controls & security measures
- Budgeting
- Cashbook
- Cashflow
- Subscriptions
With the subject of succession planning brought to our attention in a letter from our Grand Master read out at the last Quarterly Communications in Newport, I would encourage all treasurers and those considering taking on this most important office to attend this event. The presentation will commence at 9.30am, tea and coffee will be served mid-morning and the session will conclude at approximately 12.30pm. There will be a £2.00 charge for refreshments, payable on the day.
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
W.Bro. Simon J Francis, PAGDC, PrGLDO