Nottage Lodge Raises £352.00 for Teddies for Loving Care (TLC)

A fantastic evening was had by all at the annual Nottage Lodge Valentine’s Evening, an event that has grown in popularity over the years. Guests enjoyed superb food, great company, and a wonderful atmosphere, with the room beautifully decorated—once again—to perfection by W.Bro. Richard Mollinson’s wife, Dionne.

The evening’s fundraising efforts, including a raffle and a lively game of heads and tails, raised an impressive £352.00 for Teddies for Loving Care (TLC), the chosen charity of W.M. Tim Avery. This generous contribution will help provide comforting teddy bears to children in hospital, a cause close to the hearts of many Freemasons.

Nottage Lodge has gone from strength to strength in recent years, welcoming a growing number of younger Initiates. Meeting on a Saturday evening, the Lodge offers a perfect opportunity for Brethren who find it difficult to attend weekday meetings due to work commitments.

If you are interested in joining or becoming a joining member, you would be made most welcome. Please contact:
W.Bro. Tim Avery – 07545 217381
W.Bro. Phil Saunders – 07747 628663

Find out more about the TLC here.