Swansea Almoners’ Committee

The principal duty of a Lodge Almoner is to look after the welfare of the members and of their widows and dependants.  Seventeen years ago the Swansea Almoners’ Committee was formed when W. Bro Harold Kent approached the then Ass. PGM W.Bro J S Peters to see if the Swansea Lodges could help fund  the purchase of Teller Cards for Singleton Hospital.  These are used for checking the eyesight of very young children who may not be able to tell the doctor of their problem.

At the first meeting it was agreed that each of the Swansea Lodges would make a contribution towards the purchase of the cards.  At a later meeting  it was agreed that the committee should, each year, endeavour to make donations to local Charities or National Charities where the money would be spent in the Swansea and surrounding district.  To fund these donations the Lodges were asked to make an annual donation to the Almoner’s committee.

Over the years that it has been in existence, including this year, the Committee will have donated £22,700. The majority of donations are in the sum of £500 with some receiving less.

Meanwhile each individual Almoner excersises his duty to look after brethren with considerable tact, courtesy, discretion, patience and humour, exercising a sympathetic disposition, a commitment to helping people and giving time and energy to the benefit of Lodge members and their dependants.