* Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the 2020 Prestonian Lecture has been postponed, date TBC
South Wales Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 8900 are honoured to host the Prestonian Lecture 2020
A System of Morality
Aristotle and the Making of the Ritual
Lecturer: Professor G.R. Boys-Stones PAGDC
at Bridgend Masonic Hall
on Saturday 30th May 2020
The Lodge will open at 10.30am
Visitors at 11.00am
Followed by Lunch at 1.30pm
Masonic Visitors Very Welcome
To reserve a seat in the Temple and book a meal please contact W.Bro. Michael Coombes PAGDC
Email: rmichaelcoombes@nullvirginmedia.com or Text: 07968 691515
Further details to follow.