At a memorable evening on Saturday, 12th of January 2025 at Merthyr Masonic Hall W.Bro. Simon K.S. Daniel, accompanied by his Provincial Team, W.Bro. Christopher Eveleigh, DPGDC, and W.Bro. David Huckle, ProvGStwd, presided over the Installation Ceremony of Loyal Cambrian Lodge No.110.
The evening was graced by an impressive array of distinguished guests, including the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Andrew Gretton; Past Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W.Bro. Marc Lewis and W.Bro. Kelvin Jones; and many Grand Lodge Officers who were joined by a large retinue of acting Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, creating a remarkable spectacle.
The reigning Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Matthew McCarthy, had the pleasure of allowing W.Bro. Robert Rees (Lodge Secretary and Past Master) to install his brother, W.Bro. David Rees, into the Chair of King Solomon. W.Bro. David Rees, the Senior Warden and Worshipful Master-elect, is a beloved figure in the north of the Province, and is held in high regards. The evening was made even more special with the announcement that W.Bro. David will be celebrating his 80th birthday while serving as Worshipful Master in October.
The installation ceremony was truly exceptional, blending humour, emotion, and affection. W.Bro. Robert Rees, as Installing Master, delivered a flawless performance, even under the emotional weight of installing his own brother. With over 100 Brethren in attendance, the occasion was a rare and deeply cherished moment for all.
The festive board that followed was equally memorable, brimming with laughter, applause, an electrifying atmosphere. During the evening, PAPGM, W.Bro. Marc Lewis, Tercentenary Chair for Area 7, proudly presented a cheque for £250.00 towards the Tercentenary celebrations for 2027. This generous contribution once again highlights the Lodge’s steadfast commitment to supporting the Province.