Address by the 2032 Festival Chairman to the Grand Officers – 10 May 2024

RWPGM, Brethren all,

I am honoured and delighted to have been appointed by our PGM to Chair our next Festival. I am all too aware of the enormity and importance of this prestigious position, especially following in the footsteps of such eminent predecessors, RWBro Sir Paul Williams who lead our 2021 Festival and VWBro Andrew Gretton in 2010.

Brethren we have an important time ahead of us, firstly celebrating our Provinces’ Tercentenary in 2027, followed by our 2032 Festival just 5 years later.

During our 2021 Festival support was focused on the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company (RMBI), where £5.6 million was delivered during one of the most challenging periods within Freemasonry and our lives in general.

In 1850, the first Care Home was opened in East Croydon and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (RMBI) was established. Today, RMBI Care Co. has 17 care homes in England and Wales and supports older Freemasons, their families and people in the wider community with residential care, nursing and dementia support. The RMBI provide a home for over 1,000 people across England and Wales – while supporting many more and we made a significant difference with our wonderful contribution.

Previous to this our 2010 Festival was focused on support for the Grand Charity, where £4 million was raised to support the vital work The two primary activities of the Grand Charity were to provide grants for Masons or their dependants, other Masonic charities, and non-Masonic charities.

Charity has always been a core principle of Freemasonry, and over the last 300 years Freemasons have established a number of charities – including schools, care homes and a hospital.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) was created in 2016 and brought together the work of four separate charities:

  • The Freemasons’ Grand Charity
  • The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys
  • The Masonic Samaritan Fund
  • The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution

The legacy of these charities and the principle of charity can be seen today through the work of the MCF.

I am delighted to announce that for the first time, the Province of South Wales will be supporting the new Masonic Charitable Foundation.

Over the coming months, I will be assembling a committee to oversee and manage the 2032 Festival. The committee will be new and dynamic and will look to build on the success of previous campaigns. We have considerable talent and skills across our Province and I want to ensure that everyone who wishes to offer their time and experience, is able to do so. The committee will be discussing and agreeing the following ;

  1. Launch date
  2. A target for the Province and also individual targets for Brethren and Lodges
  3. Area Chairs, Liaison Officers, Charity Stewards
  4. A programme of fundraising events
  5. Merchandising including our new Festival Jewel
  6. A focus on continuous giving – RPPs are key to a Festivals success

Our new 2032 festival relief chest is now open and ready to commence accepting payments from both Brethren and Lodges. It is no secret that many Lodges and Brethren were already saving prior to the launch of the last Festival, which ensured they achieved Gold status last time.

These festivals represent the pinnacle of our collective efforts to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation Festivals are more than just charitable events; they are powerful demonstrations of compassion, solidarity, and the unwavering commitment to serve others.

Through these festivals, Freemasons and their families come together in a spirit of unity and generosity to raise vital funds for a wide range of charitable causes.

Year after year, Masonic Charitable Foundation Festivals exemplify the core values of Freemasonry – brotherly love, relief, and truth. They serve as platforms for us to extend a helping hand to those facing hardship, providing vital support to individuals and families across our communities.

The impact of these festivals extends far beyond the funds raised. They inspire hope, uplift spirits, and bring communities together in times of need.

From supporting medical research and treatment, to providing education and financial assistance to those in distress, the Masonic Charitable Foundation Festivals are catalysts for positive change and transformation.

As we gather here today, let us reflect on the profound impact of our collective efforts and the difference we have made in the lives of countless individuals.

Let us reaffirm our commitment to continue supporting the Masonic Charitable Foundation and its noble mission of relieving suffering and building a better world for all.

Together, let us celebrate the spirit of charity, unity, and compassion that defines the Masonic Charitable Foundation Festivals. May we continue to shine brightly as beacons of hope and agents of positive change in our communities and beyond.

Thank you.