Please note that a ticket is required in order to attend the Craft Investiture. Below is an extract from the Paper of Business of the Quarterly Communication of the Grand Lodge holden on the 11th day of December 2024.
1. So that sufficient accommodation can be reserved for those Brethren who are to be invested and their friends, admission to the Annual Investiture is by ticket only.
2. Brethren to be invested for the first time may invite to be present with them three qualified Brethren, and those to be promoted two qualified Brethren.
3. Allowance having been made for such an issue and for those whose presence in the Grand Lodge is essential, a few seats will remain. Written application for these seats by post or by email ( may be made to the Grand Secretary between 1 March and 31 March by Brethren qualified to attend the Grand Lodge:
(a) Past Grand Officers;*
(b) Masters;
(c) Wardens (not Past Wardens);
(d) Past Masters qualified under Rule 9 of the Book of Constitutions.
4. Applications should state clearly the name, address and Lodge of the Brother concerned and under which of the four categories mentioned his application is made. If necessary, a ballot for the allocation of seats will be held in early April, and tickets will be posted to successful Brethren in mid-April. Brethren who have been unsuccessful will be so informed.
* Metropolitan and Provincial Grand Masters, all other Present Grand Officers, including Grand Stewards, Deputy Metropolitan and Provincial Grand Masters, and Assistant Metropolitan and Provincial Grand Masters should not apply in this way as they will be specifically invited about a month before the day of Investiture and asked to indicate whether they intend to be present. Similar arrangements are made for District Grand Masters who are known to intend to be in the UK on 30 April and this can be extended to others, if they write indicating their wish to attend.
5. Possession of a ticket will not, of itself, ensure admission – Brethren who are not Grand Officers will be required to hand their tickets to the Scrutineers before examination by them in accordance with the usual practice at Quarterly Communications.
6. Past Grand Officers should sign the Attendance Books in the Past Grand Officers’ Room, and give up their tickets before being admitted to the Grand Temple. Grand Officers taking part in the procession will sign in the Grand Officers’ Room.