Saturday 4th February 2023 saw the Annual Provincial Convocation of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) at Bridgend Masonic Hall. The SRIA has always attracted the support of Senior Freemasons and on this occasion no less than thirteen Heads of Order, who are members, were present. The meeting was further honoured by the presence of four distinguished guests: RW Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom, Provincial Grand Master, South Wales; RW Bro. James Ross – Provincial Grand Master, West Wales; VIll Bro. Paul Kelvin-Smith – Inspector General, District & South Wales and Monmouthshire, Antient and Accepted Rite; Bro. Carl D. Davies, R.W. Provincial Grand Master, Royal Order of Scotland.
The meeting was a very happy and enjoyable one. The photograph shows the Chief Adept, of the Province of South Wales, R.W. Fra Robert Tanswell and the Suffragan R.W. Fra Henry Barnes with the Heads of Orders, both members and distinguished guests.
Membership details may be obtained from the Provincial Secretary V.W. Fra Warren Jones southwalessria@nullgmail.com