Picture updates from the Home from Home, The Queen Elizabeth Court in Llandudno, North Wales to Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court, Porthcawl, South Wales. Approximately 175 miles with in excess of 10,000ft of accumulative climbing in one day.
2021 Festival
RMBI 2021 Festival

Our Provincial Charity Steward W.Bro Robert Payne is talking about the progress of our 2021 Festival and how your continued support is making such a valuable contribution to each and every resident across our 18 RMBI care homes. Have you pledged your support to our Festival ? A Minimum commitment of just £500 over the Festival period will ensure your qualification for a Festival Jewel.
Festival Golf Day – 2019

Provincial Grand Master’s Summer Ball – 29th June 2019
Brangwyn Hall, Swansea
Reception 6.30pm, Dining 7.30pm
followed by entertainment plus
Dave Barry Big Band
Tickets £60
Non Masonic friends welcome
Tickets available from:
E: paul.bunyan@nullcpengineering.co.uk
T: 07966 241980
Download a pdf of the Summer Ball 2019 poster for distribution
Business Persons Lunch 2018 – Dragon Court, Cardiff
In Support of the 2021 Festival
Friday 28th September 2018
12.00 for 12.30pm at
Dragon Court
8 Leckwith Rd, Cardiff, CF11 8EG
Dress code: Jacket & Tie
with Guest Speaker
Clive Rowlands OBE, Welsh Rugby Legend
Festival Golf Day – 2018
Teams of 4 Players using the
Stableford format
£130 per team which includes:
Bacon Roll and Coffee on arrival, Green Fees,
On-course Refreshments and 2 Course Dinner to finish.
Excellent prizes for the winners and runners up.
Including a unique competition within a competition for the
Masonic Ryder Cup
12 players East and 12 West of the Province will be selected from the entered teams to compete for the Cup, currently held by the East of the Province.
WBro Alan Gardener APGM – EAST
VWBro Roy Woodward DPGM – WEST
Competition includes a special guest team of famous Rugby Celebrities
Masonic and non masonic golfers all welcome.
Tee times from 9.00am to 2.00pm
To book please contact
Alan Gardener: M: 07904048817 E: alangardener@nullsky.com
Phil Osborne: M: 07774 203170 E: p.n.osborne@nullgmail.com
Tickets available for PGM’s Summer BBQ, 28th July 2018
Calling all Companions of the Royal Arch
This morning we received a communication from the Provincial Grand Chapter Office about a very special meeting of Sure & Steadfast Chapter No 8991 to take place in Cardiff Masonic Hall on Friday, 14th September 2018.
The meeting will take the form of a demonstration of an Exaltation according to the Aldersgate Ritual and the token candidate will be none other than our Past Provincial Grand Master, Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards! The aim of the meeting is to raise £1,000 for the South Wales 2021 Festival in aid of the RMBI.
An invitation – under Rule 3 – to this meeting is extended to all Companions, who should contact the Scribe E of Sure & Steadfast Chapter, EComp Peter M. Kennedy on lynnm91@nullbtinternet.com.
An historic meeting such as this is not to be missed and is likely to fill up rapidly so if you are interested please contact EComp Peter Kennedy without delay!
2021 Festival boosted by £100,000
The 2021 Festival has achieved a landmark in earning over £100,000 in special interest!
This fantastic ability to receive a higher interest rate means the Festival is significantly boosted.
Due to a special Festival arrangement, monies paid into the Festival Fund is achieving a significantly higher interest rate than can be currently earned from the Relief Chest.
Lodges can boost this further by moving monies from their Relief Chest into the Festival and earn much more interest… making the money do the work.
Want to know more? Please contact your Charity Steward and Area Liaison Officer for more details.
If you would like to support the RMBI 2021 Festival, you can make a single donation here or a regular donation here.