The 2021 Festival Committee is delighted to announce the latest current donations in excess of £52,000 received into the Festival Charity;
2021 Festival
Festival update at R.P. St. John Charles Lodge on 16th April
The Provincial Grand Master, Rt.W.Bro. Gareth Jones OBE as President of the South Wales Province 2021 Festival will be presenting a Festival Update hosted by R.P. St. John Charles Lodge No. 6466 on Thursday 16th April at Swansea Masonic Hall.
The Lodge will open at 6.00pm and Visitors received at 6.20pm
There will be a Presentation by the South Wales Province 2021 Festival Chairman W.Bro Sir Paul Williams OBE DL KStJ JGD
Festival Charity Golf Tournament
Festival reaches significant milestone
The 2021 Festival has reached a significant milestone in that over £120,000 has now been donated to the Festival.
2021 Festival Presentation
Over the last few weeks, several hundred Charity Stewards, Worshipful Masters, Wardens & others have attended the 4 2021 Festival Area Launch Events to be briefed directly by Festival Chairman WBro Sir Paul Williams.
The West Area Launch of the South Wales Province 2021 Festival
The West Area Launch of the South Wales Province 2021 Festival in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was very well attended with over 100 present, made up from Liaison Officers, Charity Stewards, Lodge Officers and members from Neath, Maesteg, Port Talbot, Porthcawl and Swansea.
Celebration for the life of Joan Baig
Over 220 masons from all over South Wales, their partners and close friends of Akram attended a dinner at the Copthorne Hotel last Saturday night to celebrate the life of Joan Baig.
Area Launches for the 2021 Festival
The Province has been divided into areas, North, South, East and West. Each has its own Area Chair supported by a group of Liaison Officers who will link with Lodge Charity Stewards. Each Area will have its own launch and Sir Paul Williams Chair of the Festival Committee will be making a presentation on the plans for the Festival and the role of the Charity Steward.
RMBI 2021 Festival Launch at Hendre Lodge

The PGM receiving his 2021 Jewel from W. Bro. Sir Paul Williams.

W. Bro. Sir Paul Williams inspiring the Brethren at the Festive Board.

Manager of the AEPOWC Mrs Alyson Owen-Neill receives a bouquet from the PGM at Hendre Lodge.
Pictures courtesy of W. Bro. Anthony Howells