Notice of the Annual General Meeting of the AEPOWC, Sunday 22nd September 2024

To be held at AEPOWC, on Sunday 22nd September 2024, commencing at 3:00pm

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Committee Meeting of the Association of Friends of the Albert Edward, Prince of Wales Court will take place at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 22nd September 2023.
I list below the Agenda for the meeting, however should anyone have any specific question they require answering by the Chairman under ‘Any Other Business’, he would be grateful for prior notification in order that he may collate the necessary information to give a precise and accurate response. The Treasurer will present the Audited Accounts for Year Ending 30th June 2024 for Approval, previously circulated.

Sheila Cornelius (Mrs.) Secretary.


  1. Apologies
  2. To approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 24th September 2023
  3. To discuss matters arising.
  4. Chairman’s Report.
  5. To receive the Treasurer’s Statement of Accounts 2023/2024.
  6. To Receive the Membership Officers Report (W. Bro. Michael Williams)
  7. To Elect a Treasurer (W. Bro. Arwyn Reynolds)
  8. To receive the Home Manager’s Report.
    Stephen Mc Garvey (West Wales) Ex-Officio Members:
    Mrs. Alyson Aberdeen (Home)
    Mrs. Donna Griffiths (Home)
    RW Provincial Grand Masters from Monmouth, West Wales and South Wales,
    Prov. Grand Secretary, South Wales, West Wales and Monmouthshire.
  9. Appointment of Auditor: (W. Bro. David Right)
  10. To discuss ‘Any Other Business’.
  11. To confirm the dates of the next Annual General Meeting for 2025. (21st September 2025)