On 12th May, 2023, the R.W. Provincial Grand Master, D. Gerald Rowbottom accompanied by his Provincial team were on duty to assist with proceedings for the Centenary and Banner dedication at Dinam Lodge, No.4521.Penarth.
W.Bro. Roy Saunders delivered an insightful, extensive and Interesting history of the Lodge from its humble beginnings up to and including the present day. ProvGChaplain, The Rev. Anthony Stevens, took us back in time to reminisce what the period, culture, and life was like back in 1923 in Llandrindod Wells, and again reminiscing of the time period in 1979 when the Lodge permanently moved to Penarth.
ProvGDC, W.Bro. Timothy Clark assembled the escort party from the West to retire from the Lodge to escort the new banner into the Lodge accompanied by the Worshipful, Lodge officers, and several senior Past Masters.
The Banner dedication was a wonderful spectacle, all the hard work and due diligence by the Brethren of Dinam Lodge was commendable and made the occasion one to remember. The Provincial team preformed the Banner dedication with aplomb, grateful thanks to the ProvGDC, W.Bro. Timothy Clark for his dedication and professionalism in organising and instructing the Provincial team during the weeks leading up to the ceremony. It was a delight to have so many distinguished brethren and dignitaries in attendance, notably PastAGM, R.WBro. Gareth Jones, Third Grand Principal, and Captain Sir Norman Lloyd Edwards, PPGM.
On behalf of the Provincial team we would like to thank Dinam Lodge for their wonderful hospitality. It was a delight and an honour to join with them to celebrate their centenary. Dinam Lodge would like to make a special mention of W.Bro. Peter Williams who organised the purchase of Banner, and for his patience ensuring that every detail we needed was included.
The Consecration of the Lodge took place at the County Buildings, Llandrindod Wells by dispensation, on Saturday 12th May 1923. The Consecrating Officer was Rt. W. Bro. Sir Charles L.D. Venables Llewelyn, Bart. Provincial Grand Master, assisted by the Rt. W. Bro. The Lord Kensington, C.M.G., P.G.W. Provincial Grand Master (South Wales Western Division) as Senior Warden, Rt. W. Bro. Frederick Phillips, P.G.D., Provincial Grand Master (Monmouthshire) as Junior Warden, V. W. Bro. T.T. Blockley, P.G. Chaplain as Chaplain, V. W.Bro. J.S. Granville Grenfell, Grand Director of Ceremonies as D.C. and W. Bro. James Porter, P.G.D. Deputy Provincial Grand Master, [North Wales) as Inner Guard.
The W.M. designate was W. Bro. David William Evans, P.Pr.S.G.W (South Wales ED) P.M. 2570 & 4026, the S.W. designate was Bro.Frederick. J. Alban and the J.W. designate was W. Bro. R. Melville Hiley, P.Pr.G.P. (Mon) P.M. 2186.
Following the Consecration ceremony, the Installation of the first Worshipful Master took place. The Installation of W. Bro. David William Evans was performed by V. Bro. P. Colville Smith, Grand Secretary assisted by W. Bro. James Porter, P.G.D. Deputy Provincial Grand Master, (North Wales) as Senior Warden W. Bro. Louis H. Horby, P.G.D., Deputy Provincial Grand Master (Monmouthshire as JUnior Warden, V. W. Bro. J.S. Granville Grenfell, Grand Director of Ceremonies as D.C. and W. Bro. D.J. Jones, A.G.D.C., P.S.G.W. (South Wales Eastern Division) as Inner Guard.
The first By-Laws of the Lodge stated that the Lodge shall meet at the Old Gwalia Hotel, Llandrindod Wells on the third Saturday in the months of March, June, September and December, at such hour as the Master may direct.
Dinam Lodge was founded by, and originally drew its members from the medical staff and officers of the “King Edward VII Welsh National Memorial Association” for the care, treatment and eradication of Tuberculosis in Wales, (As it bravely states in its charter), together with members of the accountancy firm of Alban & Lamb, the Senior Member (Sir Frederick J. Alban) being appointed Secretary of the Association and second Master of the new Lodge.
The Welsh National Association was conceived by David Davies (later Lord Davies of Llandinam) who felt that an all-Wales Memorial Association would be a more fitting tribute to the King’s memory than many small memorials scattered through the towns of Wales.
The charter of the Association was drafted by Thomas Jones and, Counties and County Boroughs in Wales were invited to delegate their statutory Health Functions in respect of Tuberculosis to the new body. Soon an international movement was created to co-ordinate the campaign against the scourge of the “White Plague”. The home of David Davies, who himself became a Joining Member of the Lodge, was Plas Dinam, in the village of Llandinam in Powys, the title he adopted on his elevation to the peerage. Dinam was therefore a most appropriate name for the new Lodge.
In the design of the Past Master’s Jewel its association with Llandinam and the great crusade against tuberculosis were paramount. To the west of Llandinam stands a hill, known as Cefn Carnedd, at the top of which are the remains of a Roman Fortress, or Castra, established to protect Caersws, their largest and most westerly settlement in the Severn Valley. On the Jewel is depicted a hill surmounted by a castellated tower, approached by a steep and harrow path and representing the Castra at Llandinam. Below this stands a double cross or Cross of Lorraine which was adopted as the international symbol of the fight against tuberculosis, It is believed that this design should be perpetuated in the banner of the Lodge as symbolic of our origins and the great purpose which motivated our founders.