On Friday, 30th June, our dedicated Charity Stewards and esteemed representatives from Lodges and Chapters across the Province gathered at the prestigious Bridgend Masonic Hall for a delightful luncheon. This exceptional event, organised by the Provincial Grand Charity Steward, W.Bro. Merrick Jones, aimed to foster camaraderie while shedding light on the several charitable funds available to organisations working within our Province.
Our esteemed Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom, joined an intimate gathering of 60 Charity Stewards from across the Province welcomed by W.Bro. Merrick. They were captivated by the insights shared by Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Robert Payne, who provided an insightful overview of Masonic Charities. Further enriching the occasion, Lindsey Ng, Charity Grants Manager for the Masonic Charitable Foundation, enlightened attendees about the current themes and programmes facilitated by the MCF. To conclude the series of illuminating talks, VW.Bro. Andrew Gretton, Chairman of the Masonic Benevolent Fund of South Wales, delved into the rich history and meaningful purpose of the MBF, highlighting its support for charities across South Wales.
The overwhelmingly positive feedback from our attendees speaks volumes about their eagerness to learn about the Masonic Charities and to receive support as hardworking Charity Stewards. The spouses, partners, and guests in attendance also actively engaged and gained valuable insights into the role of the Charity Steward. To enhance their understanding, copies of the Charity Stewards guide and a concise ‘at-a-glance’ reference were provided for takeaway.
Our RW. PGM graciously concluded the event by highlighting the utmost importance of Masonic Charity. He extended heartfelt gratitude to all those involved in organising and staging this memorable gathering as we enter the summer recess.
For any queries, questions, or requests for support regarding Masonic Charity or the vital role of Lodge/Chapter Charity Stewards, we encourage you to reach out to the Provincial Grand Charity Steward at merrick.jones@nulloutlook.com