This year sees the climax of the RMBI 2021 Festival, a drive which has, for the last six years, been raising money towards a £5 Million target for the RMBI care homes.
For a final push to reach that target many Lodges and individual Masons within the Province have been raising additional funds.
One such fundraising campaign is being mounted by W. Bro Gordan Shumack of Penarth Lodge No. 4113, who plans to raise money by way of a virtual climb of Mount Snowden, Wales’ highest mountain at 1,085 metres (3,560 feet).
Gordon explains: “Some may know that I was fortunate enough to receive major heart surgery in June last year, and I’m still rehabilitating. But I am going to climb Snowdon in aid of the 2021 Festival! Depending on the route, it takes between 5 and 7 hours to reach the summit. Descending is far quicker, especially if you take the train!
“However, because of the various lockdowns I’ve been unable to travel to train for the climb, I shall have to climb Snowdon virtually, by climbing the stairs at my home.
The height of Mount Snowdon is the equivalent of 475 flights of the stairs at my home, but for good measure and to ensure my steps will be sufficient I will aim to achieve 500. I won’t be doing it all in one go but intend to pace myself and do it through March and April.”
Gordon is hoping that Brethren throughout the Province will support him in his effort, by pledging money for his climb, which will go to the RMBI care homes, which he feels is a most worthwhile cause, especially as the last 12 months have been so immensely difficult
Gordon explained further: “We are all blessed that the wonderful caring staff at our homes have risen to the occasion to ensure that the residents are so very well looked after.
“The staff who are committed to caring can’t do much about the financial situation facing the RMBI, but between us all we can make a difference, and I would ask you to kindly consider supporting my endeavour to climb Snowdon, for the benefit of Freemasons and their dependents.
“As always, anything you give will be thankfully received and faithfully applied for the purpose intended.”
To support Gordon in his climb, and to donate to the RMBI 2021 Festival, a ‘Just Giving’ page has been set up. If you would like to donate, please click the link and remember to tick the box to confirm your happy to share your details, this will ensure your name appears on the list of donations.