
E.Comp Christopher Eveleigh, Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals

W.Bro. Chris Eveleigh is a second generation Freemason having been initiated into the Craig-Yr-Hesg Lodge No. 6724 on the 3rd March 1994 by his father W.Bro. Mike Eveleigh PGStB and With his uncle W.Bro. Brian Eveleigh PSGD also participating in the ceremony making it a family occasion, W.Bro. Chris attained the Chair of King Solomon in 2001. appointed Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer in 2007, promoted to Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2015, appointed Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2023 and then reappointed in 2024.

In the Royal Arch E.Comp. Chris was exalted into the Cambrensis Chapter No 6608 in 1998 and became First principal in 2006, 2012, 2018, 2019 and 2020. He became a joining member of Ystradyfodwg Chapter No 7638 in 2008 and became First Principal in 2009. He became a joining member of Hendre Chapter No 3250 in 2009, and was made a Honorary member of Lord Swansea Chapter No 8364 in 2010. A founder member of Cwm Rhondda Chapter No 9692 in 2018, and a joining member of North Glamorgan Chapter No 4055 in 2021 where he is currently the Director of Ceremonies. He was appointed Provincial Deputy Grand Sword Bearer in 2009, promoted to Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 2012, promoted to Past Provincial Grand Scribe N in 2017. In 2020 E.Comp. Chris was appointed in Supreme Grand Chapter to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer. In January 2024 he was appointed as Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals and reappointed in June 2024.

In Mark Masonry he was advanced in the Cwm Rhondda Mark Lodge No in 2002 and was installed in the Chair in 2010. He was made an honorary member of Dinas Llandaff Mark Lodge in 2013, appointed Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 2012, Further promotions followed, Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer in 2015, and to Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 2022

In the Ancient & Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners he was elevated into the Arthur Lewis lodge in 2006.

W.Bro Chris lives in Pontypridd and is married to Sarah and has one son Matthew his other interests are reading, socialising and spending time with his family.