
E.Comp Philip Saunders – ProvGSN

E.Comp. Phillip Saunders expresses profound honour and privilege at being appointed to the esteemed rank of Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. His journey in the Royal Arch began 31 years ago when he was exalted into Cartref Chapter No. 5772 in 1993. Demonstrating exemplary leadership and dedication, he was installed as First Principal in 2001.

W.Bro. Phillip became a founder member of Proscenium Chapter No. 9059, serving as First Principal from 2019 to 2023. His distinguished service was recognised with his appointment to Past Provincial Grand Standard Bearer in 2005 and promoted to Past Provincial Deputy Grand Sword-Bearer in 2019.

E.Comp. Phillip feels privileged and honored to be both a Brother and Companion of the Province. He extends his sincere gratitude to the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent D. Gerald Rowbottom for the opportunity to serve as Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. Phillip looks forward to traveling around the Province and meeting Companions from various Chapters, embracing the opportunity to represent the Province and foster connections.

In the Craft, W.Bro. Phillip’s Masonic journey began in 1990 when he was initiated into Cartref Lodge No. 5772 in Cardiff. At that time, Cartref Lodge was one of only two Emulation working Lodges in the Province. W.Bro Phillip recalls being deeply moved by the warmth of the welcome and the overwhelming sense of friendship he experienced during his initiation. With the support of the members, his dedication and commitment led him to be installed in the Chair of King Solomon in 1997, 1998, and again in 2010.

W.Bro. Phillip became a joining member of Lodge of Enterprise in 1997 and Proscenium Lodge No. 9059 in 2000, attaining the Chair of King Solomon in 2005. His Masonic interests extended further as he became a founder member of the Welsh Installed Masters Lodge No. 9857 and a joining member of Hendre Lodge No. 3250, and Lodge of Benevolence No. 7305. He was honored with honorary memberships in Cartref Lodge No. 5772, Trisant Lodge No. 4154, and Nottage Lodge No. 8452.

W.Bro. Phillip’s distinguished journey includes being appointed Provincial Grand Sword Bearer in 2003, which he described as an amazing honour and a very enjoyable year in office. He was promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 2011.

In 2022, he was appointed Provincial Grand Charity Steward, a role he found particularly rewarding as it allowed him to witness firsthand the incredible charitable work and giving achieved through Freemasonry.

In 2000, W.Bro. Phillip had the privilege of serving on the committee for the original Provincial Grand Masters Gala Dinner and Ball. The event, initially held in the Memorial Hall in Barry, became a regular and anticipated event, later moving to The City Hall in Cardiff. Additionally, he had the honour of serving on the committees for the 2010 and 2021 Festivals, both of which surpassed all expectations thanks to the support of the brethren of the Province.