On Monday the 28th of October 2024, the Installation Meeting of North Glamorgan Lodge No. 4055 at the Merthyr Tydfil Masonic Hall was an exceptional gathering, graced by the presence of the Provincial Senior Grand Warden, W.Bro. Patrick Pattison, accompanied by his Provincial team. Members and visitors alike assembled in large numbers to witness a memorable and heartfelt occasion: a father installing his son in the Chair of King Solomon. W.Bro. Richard Thomas had the distinct honor of installing his son, Bro. Gethyn Thomas, marking a significant and rare moment within Freemasonry.
Originally, the ceremony was intended to be led by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. David Lewis, who had graciously offered the chair to Past Master W.Bro. Richard Thomas, allowing him the privilege of installing his son. Unfortunately, due to ill health, W.Bro. David was unable to attend, and the Lodge extended warm wishes for his swift recovery.
In a further touching gesture, W.Bro. Gareth Whale, a lifelong family friend, was given the privilege of presenting Bro. Gethyn for the benefit of installation by the hands of his father. The installation ceremony was delivered with great dignity, encapsulating the emotion shared between father and son. The ceremony was joyous, leaving a lasting impression on all in attendance. The genuine warmth and heartfelt support from the Lodge members and visiting Brethren highlighted the high esteem in which both Richard and Gethyn are held within the Province.
Adding further to the significance of the evening was the attendance of the Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Andrew Gretton, along with PAProvGM’s W.Bro. Stephen Harries, Kelvin Jones, and Lodge member W.Bro. Marc Lewis.
Many other distinguished guests were in attendance, including members of the joint executive, a plethora of Grand Lodge Officers, and Acting Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, which further added to this momentous occasion. It was an evening that will be fondly remembered for years to come.