On Monday the 24th of June, 2024, the AProvGM, W.Bro. Timothy R. Clark, accompanied by his Provincial escort, attended the Installation Ceremony of Glamorgan Lodge No.36 at Cardiff Masonic Hall.
The timing of this ceremony on St. John’s Day is not coincidental; it upholds a revered tradition dating back to 1809. According to their warrant, “such Installation to be upon (or near) Saint John’s Day the Baptist during the continuance of this Lodge forever.” Glamorgan Lodge is adorned with an abundance historical significance, and every member is immensely proud to honour its rich heritage and timeless traditions. While it is impossible here to encapsulate the full extent of its history briefly, we encourage Brethren to visit to learn more about this ancient Lodge, Loyal Cambrian No. 110, who meet in Merthyr Masonic Hall are also an Atholl Lodge, dating back to 1821.
Congratulations to AProvGM, W.Bro. Christopher M.L. Davies, and W.Bro. Dale Williams for their roles in the installation of W.Bro. Sion Radsma into the Chair of King Solomon. Their dedication and efforts are inspirational.