Installation Ceremony at St David’s Lodge No. 679

On Wednesday, 12th March 2025, St David’s Lodge No. 679, Aberdare, held its eagerly anticipated Installation Ceremony. The evening was graced by the presence of Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Timothy R. Clark, who was accompanied by his Provincial escort, W.Bro. Gareth Lintern (ProvAGDC) and W.Bro. Kevin Lippiatt (ProvGStwD).

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Worshipful Master was unable to attend. However, without hesitation, Past Master, W.Bro. Kenneth Parry, stepped forward to preside over the evening with dedication and professionalism.

In a true demonstration of Masonic togetherness which is in abundance within Aberdare Lodges, some of the officers’ chairs were filled by Brethren from across the Aberdare Masonic Centre, including members from Afon Dar and Aberpennar Lodges. This collective effort showcased the very essence of Freemasonry, support and unity for one another making the ceremony even more special for all in attendance.

The highlight of the evening was the installation of W.Bro. Adam King into the Chair of King Solomon. Conducted in a dignified and moving manner, W.Bro. Kenneth Parry performed his duties exemplarily, ensuring a memorable and meaningful occasion was experienced, not only for W.Bro. Adam, but for all present.

The celebrations continued at the festive board, where the room was filled with laughter and companionship, an experience that Aberdare Lodges are known for.

The atmosphere was electric, a testament to the strong fraternal connections shared among the Brethren of the Valleys.