Installation of MEGrandSupt – Saturday, 8th March, 2025

Dear Companions,

Following the announcement that the MEGSupt, E.Comp., D. Gerald Rowbottom, will be stepping down after 8 years as our Grand Superintendent, his successor, E. Comp. Paul R. Clement, will be Installed at Cardiff Masonic Hall on Saturday, 8th March 2025.

Please find attached a Booking form for the Installation and luncheon. Interest is likely to be high so Members are advised to book as early as possible. A time has not, as yet, been finalised but it is likely to be a morning meeting.

It is imperative that:

  • the form is returned (either electronically or by post) together with payment. If paying electronically, it is vital that your name and reference be made clear
  • that your menu is clearly stated together with any dietary requirements, if any
  • a separate form needs to be submitted for each member

Bookings sent via email should go to

If the event is over-subscribed, it will be necessary to operate a reserve list. Should this be the case, members will be contacted separately.

Warm fraternal regards,

Eifion W. Wynne
Provincial Grand Scribe E
Masonic Province of South Wales

Download the Application to attend both the Installation of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent and Luncheon.