At an especial meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge on 11th January, 2022, held at Freemasons Hall, London, the M.E. Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. D. Gerald. Rowbottom, was installed as Provincial Grand Master for the Province of South Wales.
On a brisk Tuesday morning hundreds of brethren made the journey from South Wales and adjoining Provinces to descend on Great Queen Street, London, to witness and be part of this unique occasion for the Province of South Wales. At 11:30am the doors to the main temple opened to welcome Very Worshipful Brother, Deputy in Charge William E. Jenkins who was accompanied by the Provincial procession who opened Provincial Grand Lodge accordingly in due form. The gavel of Provincial Grand Lodge of South Wales was proffered to the Pro Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Peter Geoffrey Lowndes, who then proceeded with the installation ceremony of our new Provincial Grand Master.
The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother D. Gerald Rowbottom, then proceeded to re-appoint and invest W.Bro. Marc Lewis, reappointed AProvGM; appoint and invest W.Bro. Christopher M.L. Davies, AProvGM; W.Bro. Robert G. Payne, AProvGM; W.Bro. Timothy Clark, ProvGDC. (W.Bro. The Rev. Canon. D. Huw. E. Mosford was reappointed at Hendre Lodge on January 27th).
Immediately after Provincial Grand Lodge was closed a celebratory drinks reception was held where brethren could mix with one another before the luncheon, which was held in the vestibules at Grand Lodge. The large dining room was split over two rooms and full to capacity, and were treated to the most delicious 3 course meal and various toasts ensued throughout the afternoon. A Toast was then proposed by the M.W. Pro Grand Master to our newly installed R.W. Provincial Grand Master who suitably responded by thanking all the Brethren for making the journey to London and for making his installation such a wonderful and memorable occasion.