The Origins of Freemasonry
Saturday 18 June 2022 at 10 am, Bridgend Masonic Hall
Join W. Bro. Merrick Jones, the Provincial Grand Orator, for an engaging morning of discussion and learning about the history of our ceremonies and our expectations of membership of the Craft.
This event is open to all members of the Craft, but it will be of particular interest to newer members. Book your place for this event and learn a little more about Freemasonry, share your experiences, and get involved in the interactive question and answer, ultimately to get more out of your Freemasonry.
Who are the Lodge and Chapter Officers?
Saturday 1 October 2022 at 10 am, Swansea Masonic Hall
In this morning workshop, which is aimed at current Lodge and Chapter officers and those brethren interested in taking office, the Provincial Grand Orator, W. Bro. Merrick Jones, will discuss roles and responsibilities of the various Lodge and Chapter offices. He’ll also explain the qualifications for office, and guidance and hints and tips will be provided from the Provincial leadership and other experienced Brethren.
A Freemason’s History of Jerusalem
Date and time: On-demand – Contact to arrange

W. Bro. Merrick C. Jones, PAGPurs, ProvGOrator
Speaker: W. Bro. Merrick C. Jones, PAGPurs, ProvGOrator
For millennia, more than any other city in the world, Jerusalem has been the setting and the catalyst for incredible geopolitical turmoil. Its situation, both geographically and spiritually, has led to countless sieges, wars, pilgrimages and crusades. The world’s three great Abrahamic religions call it their spiritual home – their Holy City.
But Jerusalem also acts as the backdrop for many of the stories – some substantially true and some allegorical – that are central to our masonic ritual and experience, not only in Craft Freemasonry but in the Royal Arch and other progressive orders.
But how has this one city become so influential in the course of human history? We are all well-versed in the characters, architecture and even certain events as they are described in our ritual and supporting texts; but how much of it actually happened? And how does it all fit into the wider context of the history of this great city and its surrounding region?