Loyal Cambrian Lodge No. 110, held their Installation Ceremony on Saturday 14th January 2023, at Merthyr Tydfil Masonic Temple where the Installing Master, W.Bro. Mark Wall installed their Senior Warden, Bro. Matthew Thomas into the Chair of King Solomon.
The meeting was a double celebration for the Lodge, as the Executive Officer, representing the Provincial Grand Master was Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Marc Lewis, who was on duty for the final time as an Executive in the Craft after completing 5 years’ service.
W.Bro. Marc Lewis was afforded the honour of the Provincial Grand Wardens, W.Bro. Michael Coombes, W.Bro. Julian Rees, Provincial Grand Sword Bearer, W.Bro. Mark Nicholls, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Geriant Davies and Provincial Grand Standard Bearers, W.Bro. Mike Flanagan, W.Bro. John Bowen and two Provincial Grand Stewards, W.Bro. Ryan Davies, WBro. Nicholas Evans.