On Saturday, 18th January 2025, Old Goreans Lodge No. 7193 held an historic evening at Swansea Masonic Hall, where five candidates were initiated in a ceremony full of tradition, togetherness, and excellence. Among the initiates was a “Lewis”, a son of a Freemason, exemplifying the lasting legacy and profound impact that Lodge members can have on future candidates.
The evening’s ceremony was the culmination of diligent preparation. Particular recognition must be given to W.Bro Andrew Richards Worshipful Master, W.Bro Phil Crayford, the Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Leighton Lloyd, Senior Deacon, who expertly lead the candidates in the absence of the Junior Deacon, and the Officers of the Lodge for their tireless dedication, ensuring a seamless and impressive evening.
Adding to the spectacle, brethren from other Swansea Lodges assisted the Deacons, demonstrating the unity and camaraderie within the fraternity. Heartfelt thanks go to W.Bro Philip Osborne of R.P. St John Charles No. 6466, who stood in as Junior Deacon, W.Bro Christopher Hooke of Tuscan Lodge No. 7267, W.BroAlun Bevan of West Glamorgan Lodge No. 5291, and W.Bro. Andrew Grenfell, Lord Swansea Lodge No. 8364, all of whom assisted the Deacons with the candidates, Their participation not only enriched the ceremony but also highlighted the togetherness and collaborative spirit within Freemasonry in Swansea.
The festive board following was equally remarkable. Old Goreans have entered an innovative initiative with Dr James Griffiths HallNo 3161 by changing their meeting night to meet on the same evening and agreeing to hold joint festive boards with officers of both lodges sharing the roles and responsibilities. Ceremonies are still held separately in both temples withholding the long traditions of both Lodges.
This initiative has been fully supportive by Province and is now demonstrating the true values of Masonry with new friendships and collective working which will undoubtedly improve the longevity of the lodges with increased attendance numbers already coming to the fore.
The atmosphere was vibrant, filled with laughter and fellowship. Each candidate, filled with pride and enthusiasm, responded to their toasts with heartfelt words, marking the start of their Masonic journey.
We are proud to welcome Bro’s Max Harvey, Matt Midwinter, Ifeanyi Iherobiem, Harvey Brophy, and Tyler Schuneman to Old Goreans Lodge and Bro. Morgan Evans who was initiated into Dr James Griffiths Hall.