Officers of Supreme Grand Chapter 2025

The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent joins with all Companions of the Province in offering warm fraternal congratulations to those Companions Appointed, Reappointed and Promoted in Supreme Grand Chapter on Thursday, 1 May 2025.


M.E.Comp. Gareth Jones, OBE as the Most Excellent Third Grand Principal


E.Comp. Martyn P. Wake, PGStB to PGSwdB
E.Comp. Peter Jones, PGStB to PAGSoj
E.Comp. Colin J. Rowling, PGStB to PAGSoj
E.Comp. Keith B. Ferguson, PAGDC to PGStB

First Appointments:

E.Comp. Jonothan D. Hughes to GStB
E.Comp. John T.J. Davies to PGStB
E.Comp. Warren M.C. Jones to PGStB
E.Comp. Terence A. Rowe to PGStB
E.Comp. Eifion W. Wynne to PGStB
E.Comp. Alun Littlejohns to PGStB