Our colours and their meaning

Blue: Is the symbol of universal friendship and benevolence. It is the appropriate colour of the symbolic degrees, the possession of which is the first-step in the progress for the search for truth to the now initiated. The mosaic sign of the serpent was the symbol among the ancients of resurrection to life, because the serpent by casting his skin, is supposed to continually renew its youth, it is the symbol here of the loss and recovery of the word.

Purple: Is a symbol here of union, and refers to the intimate connection of ancient craft and Royal Arch Masonry, hence it is the appropriate colour of the intermediate degrees, which must be passed through in the prosecution of the search. The mosaic sign refers to the restoration of the leprous hand back to health. Here again, we have a repetition of the allusion to the loss and recovery of the word; the word itself being but a symbol of divine truth, the search for which constitutes the whole discipline of Freemasons, and the symbolism of which pervades the whole system from the first to the last degree.

Scarlet: Is a symbol of fervency and zeal, and was appropriated by the Royal Arch because it is by these qualities that the neophyte (beginner), now so far advanced in his progress, must expect to be successful in his search. The mosaic sign of changing water into blood bears the same symbolic reference to a change for the better, from a lower to a higher state, from the elemental water in which there is no life to the blood which is life itself, from darkness to light. The progress is still onward to the recovery of that which had been lost but which is yet to be found.

White: Is the symbol of purity and peculiarly appropriate to remind the neophyte who is almost at the close of his search, that it is only by purity of his life that he can expect to be found worthy of the reception of Divine Truth. ‘Blessed’, says the great teacher, ‘is the pure in heart for they shall see God’. The mosaic signs now cease, for they have taught their lesson, and the aspirant is invested with the ‘Signet of Truth’ to assure him that, having endured all trials and overcome all obstacles, he is at length entitled to receive the reward for which he has been seeking. For the signet of Zerubbabel is a royal signet, which confers power and authority on him who possesses it. So, we now see the symbolism of the Veils however viewed, whether collectively or separately represent the laborious, but ultimately successful search for divine Truth.