Penarth Lodge No. 4113, Penarth, celebrated their centenary on Tuesday 27th September, 2022, two years later than originally planned due to the pandemic. On the evening W.Bro. Gordon Shumack was proclaimed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. Many Brethren far and wide were in attendance to share this wonderful occasion. The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. D. Gerald Rowbottom accompanied by his Provincial team and members of the executive were present.
Prior to the Provincial party’s entrance into the Lodge, The Provincial Grand Master was made an Honorary member by the brethren of Penarth Lodge. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Gordon Shumack gave an excellent historical insight into history of Penarth Lodge from its humble beginnings up to, and including the present day.
The Provincial Grand Chaplain, W.Bro. Anthony Stevens delivered a wonderful oration with reference as to how Freemasonry has changed and evolved in Penarth since the 1920’s. To close, The Provincial Grand Secretary, W.Bro. Ben Gait read out the Centenary Warrant, which was then presented to the Worshipful Master by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.