On Friday the 10th of January, 2025 at an especial meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter held in Bridgend, an unexpected announcement was made.
The convocation began with the First Principal of Adare Chapter No. 9247, E.Comp Huw Carmichael opening the Chapter and then calling off.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. D. Gerald Rowbottom accompanied by his Provincial Team assumed their offices and then opened Provincial Grand Chapter.
The especial business commenced with the investiture of the 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Philip Bevan, after hearing a short resume the obligation was confirmed and E.Comp. Philip Bevan was invested as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal.
E.Comp. Simon. K S Daniel was invested as 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, after hearing a short resume the obligation was re-confirmed and E.Comp. Simon was invested as 2nd Provincial Grand Principal.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, was delighted to present the retiring 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E.Comp. Lyndon Howells with his distinctive collarette jewel and a special gift on behalf of all the companions for his commitment and dedication within the Royal Arch.
The moment had arrived for the investiture of the New Deputy Grand Superintendent, E.Comp. Martyn. P Wake, after hearing E.Comp. Martyn’s exceptional resume which comprised of a decade of active roles within the Royal Arch, the obligation was re-confirmed and E.Comp Martyn was invested as Deputy Grand Superintendent.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was delighted to present the retiring Deputy Grand Superintendent, E.Comp R. Michael Coombes with his collarette jewel, expressing his thanks and gratitude for all the hard work and service that he has done and will continue to do. A presentation ensued in the after proceedings by the Most Excellent Grand superintendent to E.Comp Michael.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was delighted to invest E.Comp Eifion Wynne as Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra, and E.Comp Kevin J. Mitchell as Assistant Provincial Grand Scribe Ezra.
E.Comp. Christopher Eveliegh has now progressed to Senior Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals.
E.Comp. Jonathan Hughes, a remarkable and extremely competent Freemason has been appointed Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, we look forward to seeing E.Comp. Jonathan in his new office at future meetings.
Over 150 Companions were in attendance for the after proceedings, which was extremely vibrant and filled with laughter.
Many toasts and speeches ensued including a cheque presentation from E.Comp. Peter Williams from the Masonic Diaries & Regalia for £5,000 to assist with furnishings for the new Provincial Office.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent announced that after 8 years as our Grand Superintendent, he would be retiring with effect of midnight Friday 7th March 2025. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent went onto announce that he was delighted to advise those present, that his successor will be E.Comp. Paul Raymond Clement, PGSoj; who will be Obligated, Invested and Installed at Cardiff Masonic Hall on Saturday 8th March 2025. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent thanked all Companions present and past for their valuable support over the past 8 years.