On Friday, 4th of October 2024, W.Bro. Paul Bunyan, Provincial Grand Charity Steward, delivered an insightful presentation at Llangynwyd Lodge No. 8854, Maesteg, titled “A Brief Guide to the Lodge Charity Steward’s Role and Masonic Charities.” The presentation offered valuable reassurance and clarity for Lodge Charity Stewards, aiming to enhance their understanding and execution of this important role.
W.Bro. Paul also highlighted the significant impact Masonic Charities have on the everyday lives of Freemasons and their families. He explained how these charities provide essential support during difficult times, addressing financial, health, family, and care-related needs. He also outlined the application procedures and the advice available to those in need of assistance, emphasising the vital role these charities play within the Masonic community.
The Provincial Learning and Development Team will be hosting a training morning for Lodge and Chapter Charity Stewards on Saturday 2nd November 2024. The role of a Charity Steward can be challenging but also very rewarding and it should be supported by all Brethren and Companions.
The seminar will be held at Bridgend Masonic Hall when WBro. Paul along with APGM W. Bro Robert Payne will facilitate the presentation and be available to answer your questions. The main themes to be discussed include:
- The Role of the Lodge Charity Steward
- Masonic Charities inc. MCF, MBF etc.
- Relief Chests and their use
- Festivals
The presentation will commence at 10.00am, tea and coffee will be served mid-morning and the session will conclude at approximately 12.150pm. There will be a £2.00 charge for refreshments, payable on the day.
To register your intention to attend please complete the short registration form here.