On the 24th of June, the joint Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Chapter took place at Barry Memorial Hall. At 2:30pm, W.Bro. Timothy Clark, the ProvGDC, called the Brethren to order to welcome and receive rulers, dignitaries, and distinguished Brethren into Provincial Grand Lodge, greeted by enthusiastic applause from all in attendance.
Following that, W.Bro. Philip Osbourne, the ProvDGDC, called the Brethren to order to receive the R.W. Provincial Grand Master and his executives, accompanied by the Provincial team.
Once our distinguished guests were warmly welcomed, the ProvGM promptly proceeded with the investiture of Brethren who were to be re-appointed, appointed, or promoted in Provincial Grand Lodge.
V.W.Bro. Peter Jones, the DPGM, then expressed our collective gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to our ProvGM, highlighting his passion, drive, and commitment, which was met with a resounding round of applause.
The ProvGM and the executive members were overjoyed to witness the substantial presence of Brethren in attendance.