Provincial Senior Grand Warden – W.Bro. Patrick Gwyn Pattison J.P.

W.Bro. Patrick embarked on his Masonic journey when he was initiated into the R.P. St. John Charles Lodge No. 6466 on the 18th of November, 1993. Demonstrating dedication and leadership, he progressed through various offices within the Lodge, culminating in his attainment of the Chair of King Solomon on the 17th of October, 2002.

Throughout his Masonic career, W.Bro. Patrick has held numerous high offices, one of his most significant roles was that of Lodge Almoner an office he served for over twenty years.

His commitment, dedication and service to his Lodge was extend to Provincial Grand Lodge, when he was appointed Provincial Grand Steward in 2008, promoted to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon in 2012, and later to Past Provincial Grand Registrar in 2017.

W.Bro. Patrick’s Masonic journey continued to flourish and In Grand Lodge, he was appointed Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer in 2018.

His exemplary service is also evident in the Royal Arch, E.Comp. Patrick was exalted into the R.P. St. John Charles Chapter No. 6466 on the 27th of May, 2003. After progressing through various offices within the Chapter, he was installed as First Principal on the 22nd of March, 2016. In Provincial Grand Chapter, E.Comp. Patrick was appointed Past Assistant Grand Sojourner on the 15th of June, 2019.

In addition to his accomplishments in Craft and Royal Arch, Patrick is an active member of the Sketty Hall Mark and Ark Mariners Lodge No. 1685, where he has attained the chair in both. He is also a Past Master of the Prince of Wales Council of Royal and Select Masters No. 140.

W.Bro. Patrick is looking forward to his year as Provincial Senior Grand Warden and very much looks forward to meeting as many Brethren as possible throughout the Province of South Wales.