The story about to unfold, on entering the Chapter, takes place some 500 years after the dedication of Solomon’s Temple.
King Solomon has long since died. Jerusalem has been attacked by the Babylonians, the city and it’s once magnificent temple have been destroyed and its inhabitants taken into captivity into Babylon where they remained for 70 years.
We are now at that period in history where the Babylonian Empire itself has been attacked and defeated by Cyrus, King of Persia.
Cyrus has recently issued a decree allowing the descendants of the Hebrew exiles to return to Jerusalem.
As the Candidate for Exaltation, you represent one of those exiles returning to Jerusalem as a Sojourner or Journeyman builder. You discover that the Temple and Holy city are in ruins and, with your colleagues, offer your assistance in building a new temple when, as you will eventually see, a discovery of very great importance is made.