At a regular meeting held at Neath Masonic Hall on Monday 25th November 2024, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and Worshipful Master of the South Wales Lodge of Advancement dedicated a new Past Masters Board.
Following a change of name (formally St Cecilia Lodge) and change of meeting place from Penarth to Neath, the Lodge paid a moving tribute to those Past Masters in recognition of their services to Freemasonry in general and to the South Wales Lodge of Advancement (St Cecilia) in particular. The Brethren stood in perfect silence as the Provincial Grand Chaplain, The Rev. A. H. Stevens delivered a ‘Dedication Prayer’.
Photo top: Worshipful Master of South Wales Lodge of Advancement, R.W.Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom along with the lodge Wardens, Director of Ceremonies, The Rev. A. H. Stevens, ProvGChaplain, W.Bro Jeff Joseph PPrJGW who purchased the board and W.Bro Neil Adrian Jenkins who fitted the board.
Photo bottom: Members of South Wales Lodge of Advancement