A message from W.Bro. Alan Gardener, Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
In my role as Assistant Provincial Grand Master I have been asked, when needed, to assist any or all of the Masonic Hall Companies in our Province and see where we can exchange ideas and spread best practice. Therefore, I cordially invite all Masters, First Principals, Lodge Liaison Officers and Dining Stewards to attend a meeting that I will
Chair, in conjunction with the Directors of the CMHCL, with regard to the Cardiff Masonic Hall Company and its future.
Let me state at this point that I do not have a magic wand, and we will all need to continue to work together if we wish to be successful and improve our facilities and make The Cardiff Masonic Hall financially sustainable.
This meeting is open for all Lodges, Chapters and all side degrees which meet at the CMHC. As you all are aware, the (CMHCL) has been going through a transitional period over the last Eighteen months and I feel that now is the time to reflect on what progress has been made.
To help us succeed in aim we will require the assistance, cooperation and support of all brethren in order that we achieve a Masonic Hall that we all are proud to be associated with. More importantly, one where we look forward to attending our meetings and enjoying the food and beverages within comfortable surroundings and a venue that we would be pleased to bring our partners, wives and friends.
Having spoken to many of the brethren, and more importantly listened to them over the last few months, I feel that I have a general understanding of where we are, and more importantly where you feel we should be, especially within the next Twelve / Eighteen months. I am sure you do not need me to remind you that we are all Masonic brethren and shareholders in the company, and we all need to work together, if we are to be
I would welcome your attendance and your positive comments, if there are any questions which you would like me to address those, which are not covered in the agenda, please forward them to me before the 1st December and if time permits on the evening, and if I have sufficient knowledge of your question, I will hopefully supply you with a suitable reply. Could you please inform me before the 1st December 2018, regarding who from your Lodge / Chapter etc., will be attending this meeting.
Yours sincerely and fraternally
Alan Gardener
W.Bro. Alan Gardener PSGD APGM
Download a pdf of the CMHC Special Meeting Agenda and Reply Slip
Please advise Hannah Law at Cardiff Masonic Hall that you are able to attend by completing and returning the reply slip to:
or by telephone on 02920 396576 – office hours 10.30am to 3.30pm