Saturday 19th of November heralded a momentous occasion for the Province of South Wales. The formation of a new Lodge within the Province.
St John of Jerusalem Lodge No. 10024, was consecrated at Cardiff Masonic Hall with over 120 brethren in attendance from all quarters of the Province.
This was a spectacular event in our Masonic calendar and one which tends not to come around that often. In fact, since the turn of the millennia there have been just four Consecrations within our Province, the most recent being the Welsh Rugby Clubs Lodge No. 9986.
Although consecrated in Cardiff the regular Lodge meetings will be held at Penarth Masonic Hall, in April, May, November and October, more details to follow.
The morning was a truly memorable occasion, our thanks to the Provincial team who assisted with the consecration, for their expertise, diligence and the fine manner in which the ceremony was conducted, and to the catering team at Cardiff Masonic Hall for their excellent service and wonderful food.
The R.W Provincial Grand Master, D. Gerald Rowbottom, expressed his delight that Freemasonry in our Province is once again progressing and flourishing after the difficult few years that we have all endured. The consecration of St. John of Jerusalem Lodge is a testament to that, he also expressed his delight and thanks to the many brethren in attendance this afternoon, and was delighted to present a cheque to the Primus Master, W.Bro. Dr Akram Baig for £5,000 from the Province of South Wales to the St. John of Jerusalem eye hospital Charity whose headquarters are in London.
Find out more about the amazing work the charity does here – https://www.stjohneyehospital.org