Fairwood Park Golf Club, Swansea
Friday 25 June 2021
Join us for the annual fun-filled TLC charity golf day, which is open to all golfers; Masons and non-Masons alike.
- Teams of 4 with a four ball better-ball stableford format
- Cost per team of £120 (deposit £40 required at time of booking), which includes:
- Green fees
- Bacon roll and coffee on arrival
- On-course refreshments
- 2-course dinner
- Tee times from 10 am to 2 pm
The day event also includes and raffle and prizes for:
- Longest drive
- Nearest the pin on all Par threes
- Team and individual prizes
- Top three scores
How to book
- Colin Grey on 07970614073 / chairman.southwalestlc@nullgmail.com, or
- Peter Williams on 07860523511.
All proceeds will go to the South Wales Freemasons TLC Appeal (charity no. 1179822), which provides teddy bears to hospital departments throughout the South Wales Province.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available at £30 a hole (please enquire for further details)