RMBI 2021 Festival, Area Chair West, W. Bro. Phil Osborne, gives us an update on the ‘Big Week’
A reminder that the Big Week is an initiative inviting each Lodge and Brother in the Province of South Wales to participate in an event or activity in support of the RMBI 2021 Festival. The event started on the 30th August through to the 6th September 2021, with scope to hold such an activity either side of those dates.
There has already been a lot of support from several lodges, with events having already taken place and many organised during the dates allocated and beyond. A massive thank you to those lodges and brethren that have already contributed, either through an event or a donation.
Remember, if your lodge is unable to arrange an event/activity then a donation can be made to the festival by pledging an amount using the miscellaneous donation form. If you require any advice, please contact me on the below contact details please.
As of the 28th August 2021, here are some examples of events that have or will be going on in the province. Each lodge that has to date either contributed by an event or a donation should be proud of their efforts.
A full list of all those lodges that contributed will be circulated throughout the Province in late September and a letter of congratulations to each lodge will be forthcoming from the Chairman of the Festival, Right Worshipful Bro Sir Paul Williams.
Examples of has been achieved throughout the province to date:
- 37 Lodges have now made donation with amounts varying from £50 to almost £2,000.
- The 6 Port Talbot Lodges held a rugby lunch which raised sum £600
- Bro. Richard Thomas, and his son, of North Glamorgan Lodge held a bike ride and car wash raising £700
- Royal Arch and Rose Croix Chapters donating.
- Swansea Masonic Hall race night held on the 28th August raised over £1,800
- Penarth race night raised £720 with 9 lodges contributing.
- We have skittles evenings, curry evenings and Sunday lunches arranged.
- Swansea Big quiz the 2nd week of September.
- The bowls match arranged via the AEPOW Bowls club and are promised some £1,000 as a result.
- We are in negotiations with a Paralympian world champion rower to carry out a sponsored row of the channel via a rowing machine. Bro. Ben Pritchard of Corinthian lodge, on his return from Tokyo championships will hopefully be able to carry out the row, pending no injury. Hopefully displaying a gold medal.
- Danycoed Lodge arranging a sponsored run from Caerphilly to Cardiff and return.
- Ryder Cup golf tournament played on the 25th August with some 90 plus players.
- Dr James Griffith Hall Lodge No. 3161 hosted a Sunday Lunch at Norton House Hotel, Mumbles, raising £500. It was a family and friends event with 65 dining and supported by 12 other Lodges.
The above are just some examples of what is being arranged/completed by some 50% of the Lodges in our Province. It is not to late for any lodge to participate or donate.
There is still time for all those lodges that have not yet pledged a donation to do so. By contributing any sum, using the miscellaneous donation form, will allow your Lodge to be added to the increasing list of those that have already proudly contributed.
It is a simple process to arrange or donate to the event. All donations can be forwarded to London via the miscellaneous payment form with cheque made out to the RMBI 2021 Festival South Wales. Alternatively, you can forward any donations to me, and I will carry out the necessary admin. My e-mail is philip.n.osborne@nullgmail.com
Once again, a huge thanks to all those who have already committed to the Big Week. Those thanks go to the Lodges that have made donations and those brethren that go the extra mile by carrying out or arranging an activity that has already raised thousands of pounds towards the grand total.
I am sure, that with the enthusiasm of the Lodge Masters and their brethren, there will be many more lodges that will soon be entered on the running log of contributors at the completion of the Big Week.
It is still not to late to take part. Those lodges that have committed to the initiative can be proud of their support and of their efforts. As can all those lodges that have achieved either the bronze, silver, or gold accolades in support of the festival.
However, we are on the last lap of the festival. Please, if you have not already done so, support this initiative. A simple donation will make all the difference and an opportunity to be part of “something different”.
I will update you on our further progress in the next few weeks and should you require any assistance or advice, please contact me on the above contact details.