Virtue and Hope Royal Arch Chapter No. 237, one of Britain’s oldest chapters, achieved a milestone on April 15, 2024, by exalting five candidates in a single ceremony. The chapter, founded on July 14, 1812, holds a reputation as a vibrant and welcoming Chapter, appealing to new and current members alike. In the current Masonic year alone, the chapter has seen seven new joiners and six initiates, with more candidates expected next year.
The ceremony came about as the chapter approached the end of the Masonic year with five prospective members ready to be exalted, but only one meeting left on the calendar. Initially, there was a two-candidate limit per ceremony, meaning that some candidates would have had to wait until February 2025. However, the chapter received permission from the Provincial Grand Chapter to lift this restriction, allowing all five candidates to participate in a single exaltation ceremony.
To conduct the event smoothly, the officers of Virtue and Hope adapted elements from the multiple-candidate ceremonies performed by Singleton Lodge No. 8399. With careful preparation and a focus on maintaining the ritual’s dignity, the chapter was able to orchestrate the ceremony in a way that honoured both tradition and innovation.
The evening was rounded off with an excellent meal at the Festive Board in a warm extremely friendly atmosphere which everyone greatly enjoyed.