At Hendre Lodge on Thursday 27th January the M.E. Grand Superintendent in his capacity as R.W. Provincial Grand Master reappointed W.Bro. The Rev. Canon D. Huw E. Mosford, PSGD, as Assistant Provincial Grand Master. His son, Bro. Dyfrig Mosford, had the honour of being the Chain Bearer.

Pictured right: W.Bro. The Rev. Roger Hughes, Bro. Dyfrig Mosford and W.Bro. The Rev. Canon D. Huw E. Mosford, PSGD, APGM
Pictured left: R.W. Provincial Grand Master D. Gerald Rowbottom and V.W.Bro. William E. Jenkins
Hendre Lodge No.3250 was delighted to announce that V.W.Bro. William E. Jenkins was elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.

Left to right: W.Bro. Robert G. Payne, PAGStB, APGM; W.Bro. Peter Jones, PJGD, DPGM; R.W. Provincial Grand Master D. Gerald Rowbottom; W.Bro. The Rev. Canon D. Huw E. Mosford, PSGD, APGM, W.Bro. Christopher M.L. Davies, PAGDC, APGM.