The West Area Launch of the South Wales Province 2021 Festival in aid of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was very well attended with over 100 present, made up from Liaison Officers, Charity Stewards, Lodge Officers and members from Neath, Maesteg, Port Talbot, Porthcawl and Swansea. There were also visitors from the North, South and East Areas, some of whom are unable to attend the meetings arranged in their area. The meeting was chaired by W.Bro. Peter Richards Area Chairman, who introduced the Liaison Officers for the West Area and members of the 2021 Festival Committee before handing over the Festival Chairman W.Bro. Sir Paul Williams.
Sir Paul gave a presentation and outlined the aims and objectives of the Festival. Festivals are at the heart of Masonic giving and this festival was in aid of the RMBI, the fourth in almost 100 years. The RMBI have provided care for elderly masons and their families for 160 years. There are 17 Homes – 1,100 beds, with 15% of beds for specialist dementia care, 1500 staff, £40 million turnover, with the average age of the residents at 90 years. Here in South Wales we are privileged to have at Porthcawl, Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court with 75 beds. The RMBI provides further services including respite care day services, sheltered accommodation and dementia awareness training.
His presentation highlighted the need for Festival donations to be continuous to meet the demands of the Central Charity. He urged Charity Stewards to transfer funds to the Festival Relief Chest on a regular basis. This will allow Lodges to gain the benefit of 2.25% p.a., which will accumulate to more than 14% compound interest. So storing up funds till the end of the Festival will actually devalue contributions. He explained the rationale for the target of £5 million, targets work, the 2010 Festival raised £4.2 million and with just taking inflation into account and not doing less then £5 million is achievable. Yes it is a big ask and challenging stretch target. The cause is relevant and we have Albert Edward Prince of Wales Court as a great example of the work of the Charity. He expelled the myth that all the moneys goes to London and we get nothing back. Last year alone South Wales received over £1 million which equates to £175 per member in benefits received far more than we give.
If we all give £2 per week throughout the Festival the target will be achieved.
Sir Paul explained that Jewels would be issued free to those Brethren who made a commitment to the Festival target. The qualification was £500 or more, by single payment or regular payment pledge. This may be achieved by transferring funds already in Lodge Relief Chests of £500 or more to Festival Relief Chest E0043, a payment by a lump sum of £500 or more into E0043 or regular payment pledge throughout the Festival period amounting to £500 or more to E0043. Covenants will be the core of our success.
There will be recognition for Lodge achievements. Lodges can add to their targets. Bronze for an average of £500 per member; Silver for an average of £800 per member; Gold for an average of £1000 per member. As Lodges reach their targets they will be formally recognised at a Provincial Festival event.
He demonstrated how events can generate income and presented a brief outline of the programme which will include sporting, cultural, entertainment. There was to be Tercentenary Celebrations, Church Service, Gala Dinner, Golf Tournament, Business Lunches, Cultural Events, Fire Works, Street Fairs and more. Also, individual Lodge events are encouraged, All are potential sources of income. It is believed that such Events are in harmony with the principles of recruitment, retention and retrieval, but above all they should be an opportunity for fun, fellowship, involving families and friends.
Sir Paul presented the new Provincial Tie which is available following the Launch plus matching bow tie and handkerchief. There is a special Provincial Tie for Provincial Grand Stewards and all sale proceeds will go the Festival, There will also be a range of other products such as handkerchiefs and cuff links that will be introduced shortly.
He showed that we are not alone, that the Festival will demonstrate the indissoluble link between the Craft and Royal Arch. The M.E. Grand Superintendent has confirmed that the Festival Jewel will be worn in Chapters and the Provincial Grand Chapter is represented on the Festival Committee. Other Orders in the Province have been briefed and are supportive and a donation already received on behalf on Rose Croix Masons.
Sir Paul concluded his presentation by emphasising that this is a marathon not a sprint but the early miles will count. We need to have at least 2/3rds of the brethren in covenant in first 18 months. Transferring to E0043 early will maximise compound interest which can grow Lodge targets by 2.25% pa, compounded to more than 14% and Gift aid can produce another 25% . This is a team effort, support the PGM as Festival President, wear you Jewel with pride and as an encouragement to others. We can do this!
The presentation was followed by a series of questions and answers.